That's quite a popular phrase among women. I seldom hear this phrase from men, maybe because they're very confident of their weight and never has a thought of losing one.
Ok, lets get to it. I'm on diet. I'm on Herbalife. It has been a month now. But seriously I didn't lose any weight. My wellness coach said that I lose few inches around my body but I don't think I will rely on that result consider they measured me using measuring tape which the place where they put it changes everytime. Such a liar.
Since last month, I've tried to control my appetite towards food. I was very strict because Herbalife is a very very expensive product. Of course I wanna see the result, right? Everytime they saw me, they kept changing how I consumed the product, my diet plan and asked me to buy more and more product. I almost give up.
Whatever it is, I will continue consume Herbalife for 3 months to see if there's any progress. And I will stop right away if it doesn't. Why waste money, right?
aku pernah terbaca pasal herbalife ni. tp eloklah cuba dulu kan samada berkesan atau tidak.
cuba check link ni
thanks belle bagi link. Suka aku tgk org lain berjaya kuruskan badan. Tapi sedih kalau x berjaya.
i'm on diet too.
but i still enjoy my food.
am not fact now i'm enjoying my java chip at starbucks.
since january 2011 till now, am losing around 8-9 kg. my skin now looks better , takdo dah jerawat yg suka menyebok.
ok..i admit. am consuming a product. jus. minum sehari sekali. wayyyy cheaper than herbalife yg mahals nak mam tuh.
i'm tired of trying jussmate (x sedap--> wah aku kalau consume apa2 nak yg sedap aja. ni dah mahal +x sedap+xde results, x rasa beriya nak diet), hen dcl lah, rx lite lah..and tah apa ke jadah tah lagi.
hahahaha..oh milelia too.
aku rasa, fail sebab:
1.aku x disiplin
2.aku malas
3.x sedap
4.kena mkn 2-3 kali sehari aku malas.
5.semangat tak consistent.
6.tak bersungguh2
7.AKU x begitu bermotivasi.
so..malas sudah. nak gemuk2 lahkan. lantak.ok, aku bukan gemuk sgt tapi kategori gemuk sebab aku mmg tak boleh beli baju cantik kat parkson ke..apa. semuaaa, tak muat.rasa keji je aku ni.XL pun aku tak muat.
tapi if u read kisah jonah in my blog, tah sapa kan jumpa aku kat kedai repair jeans, promote produk dia..ckp.." u nak tak kecikkan perut u?"
awww..kau sapa..? lempang kangg? 1st time jumpa ckp aku gemuk.
tapi tah dia pakai ilmu apa (kihkih), aku terpedaya.ok..make it short, aku mmg mudah beli 1 kotak.murah je.RM68.00 utk 10 hari.
sehari minum sekali je lepas sarapan. sehari minum 3 liter air atleast(2 botol besar).
still boleh makan.
tapi i cut rice,carbo,oil, sugar.
senanng atau susah?
senang je! sebab mmg kurang selera. tapi kena makan.i mkn buah, sayur, nasik kdg2,and enjoy other food, small portion.
yes! sebab tuh bermotivasi.if xde hasil mmg kita down.
i'm now dah mkn kotak ke -6.
and hampir achieve target i.(nak lose another 6-7 kg je lagi).
i bukan promote. just share my experience.i faham betapa frust if takde hasil, dan ini bukan proses senang.
kesimpulan, some product works on us, some not. jgn putus asa.
1st time i consume betul2.dgn kesungguhan.
and tak yah promot, org order dgn i. now i jual sket2..tolong2 kwn. and share results, so momentum motivasi dpt dikekalkan.
now seluar/skirt i dah turun size, baju dah turun size. baju gedabak i dah bungkus dlm kotak, i'm changing my whole wardrobe..
so cahaya. jgn putus asa ok.
if ada kesungguhan pasti ada hasil.
u muda lagi. masih berpeluang utk buat apa yg terbaik utk diri u.jgn buat utk org lain. buat utk kepuasan diri sendiri.
u go girl.
my e-mail;
p/s; herbalife people came to see me last week, siap bawak diet coach sekali.hikss. tapi..for me, yes,. it is good product, tak salah cuba. tapi mahal sgt. kempis poket mak.
salam cahaya,
my MIL was the one who promote this herbalife to us, and we invested some 1500 for a 3 mths plan. Tapi yang cukup utk 3 mths cuma the soy powder botol besar tu, teh dan protein tak cukup. oleh kerana poket agak ketat, maka tak lah terbeli2 lagi teh dan protein tu, sampai expired the rest.
I guess if we want to try something, harus datang dari dalam diri kita sendiri, bukan yang di suggest oleh orang dan kita membelinya kerana terpaksa.
But for some, macam my SIL & MIL, this herbalife does wonder to them. Memang jadi slim and my MIL punya kesihatan pun bertambah baik. Kalau tidak sebelum ni semput sebab dia ada lung fibrosis.
Dulu aku pun amik gak herbalife..
1st month makan mmg tak rasa apa pun...aku try sampai 3bln..adalah turun sket but pastu aku stop..sbbnya mahal sgt costnya tu..last2 aku dah tak kisah diet2 ni.. if really nak badan ok sket,kena jaga makan & kena exercise slalu...hehe
hey cahaya..i've dropped a massive 20 kg with just exercise and extra product..if u need any help..u know where to find me..p/s i'm wearing size 12 now :)
Hi sis...good luck on ur diet ye!
dulu nak berdiet gak..tapi malas..sifat yang sangat2 susah nak kikis..haha..yang penting kena berdisiplin..
so untuk herbalife ni, tunggu la sikit masa lagi kan..maybe berkesan..spe tau kan?
btw, silalah ke rumah baru saya ni ye.. :)
Hmm. So ramai yang dah cuba Herbalife ni yer. Berkesan atau tidak we have to wait at least 3 months.
Actually I don't mind about spending as long as I see some result. They said 30-days money back guarantee, but haprak! Pastu dia kata I turun size pulak. Hello...timbang naik kot. So, what's your explanation now? Nak menipu duit orang la tu.
Catz, I would like to try. Will email you.
mangosteenskin, Hmm. I almost out on my F3. Kena beli la ni? Hmm.
VFN, I lose few kilos last year. To be exact around 15kg by doing exercise and jaga makan. After that static x turun lagi dah.
Teja, Wah! Rumah baru. Diet jugak yer. Diet camne?
Results for any weight loss program will vary for every individual and can be affected by many factors. If you’re not achieving your desired results, you should talk to your independent Herbalife distributor about it.
George Fischer, VP,
Corporate Communications
babe, my friend has tried this and it works on him.
he was VERY big and now slim.
guess it will work on you.
all the best.
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