Having yourself diagnosed a chronic disease will be painful news for you. In fact, more painful than the disease itself.
What will you do next? How do you break the news? Will you tell anyone about this? Or better to keep it to yourself?
Just need your opinion in this. Toss your opinion in the comment box. Thanks. ;)
better to share it with love ones if the disease is chronic.. huhuhu..
thanks Jard. But, it will break the love ones heart aite? Huhu.
erm...i'll keep it...
hmm. why?
i'll share it...maybe org lain penah mengalami and they know where to go in order to heal it. :)
Hmm. Betul gak tu. Mintak opinion orang sekeliling kan?
Confront the fear dear...at the end of the day, we still have to face and deal with it. Take one step at a time, ikhtiar and tawakkal.
Probably like what shikin has rightly pointed out, share with others who are having or had the same experience before may sooth the pain (sorrow) a bit.
have a great weekend CAHAYA.
Yep, true enough what you've said. At the end of the day, the 'disease' is still there. Facing the fact is one thing. Striving to survive is another. And I believe someone need their loved ones to do that.
Sharing might create sympathy, which I don't think one needs at the time like this.
i think it is best to share it with whom ur comfortable to share.
tak salah dahulu ada seorg blogger dedikasi sebuah blog waktu dia menghidap penyakit kanser dan hari2nya di update dlm blog tersebut agar keluarga dan kawan-2 tahu pengalamannya.
Yep. Came across few blogs too while ago. What I can say, they all very brave person. Wish to have the same guts as them.
Sharing is not easy as it may seem. Even with the most comfortable person on the planet. Perception might change. The way the person look at us will change, eventually, without them noticing it.
i will share about it with family and lover. that's all :)
Good to know. You're a very good son, brother and lover too. ;)
The first to know is my hubby.
Trust me, it won't be a burden to ur loved ones - they'll want to know.
Hopefully. I've learnt from the past. :( Might have to think more than twice for this.
Learn to share the pain darling!
I'm with you & always, always pray that you have speedy recovery. Take care beautiful!
Thanks Kak Maria. Take care too.
Sometimes the pain is only meant for that one person. Unbearable. But coping!
share it with sum1 esp family....
my opinion.
...1st, i'll keep it to myself...
then share with family..
apa2 pun family lah sebenarnya org yg paling care pada kita.....
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