Yeah! I love Malaysia and proud to be a part of it. Salam Merdeka to you too.
That's something to think about. As for now, too much complaints received, and too much of what-Malaysia-do-for-you questions thrown. And nothing else.
Lebih banyak memberi dari menerima. Kan lebih bagus?
there's no other places better than Malaysia!!
epy 52nd anniversary of inde Malaysia!! but cahaya.... do u think our people are realy independant..??
Yeah! I love Malaysia and proud to be a part of it. Salam Merdeka to you too.
That's something to think about. As for now, too much complaints received, and too much of what-Malaysia-do-for-you questions thrown. And nothing else.
Lebih banyak memberi dari menerima. Kan lebih bagus?
Trademark "lebih banyak memberi dari menerima".
Nice picture. I do love picture from
Anyway, Happy Merdeka!!! Glad to be Malaysian.
Trademark? Haha. Another one. Stop whining, start working, start giving.
Nice kan gambar tu? I love it. But I'm a bit gloomy over oil prices today. :(
Salam Merdeka to you too.
salam belated merdeka... apsal tak leh nk komen entri baru cahaya??? ehehe.. love the bob marley one..
Salam Merdeka. Boleh belated pulak? Hehe. Nak komen ke? Saje buat tak berkomen. ;)
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