Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011. Hmm.

I don't think 2011 will be a good year for my family.

Today, my dad's doctor said he's now in 4th stage of lung cancer and the cancer cells have spread to his back bone and heart. He needs chemo and surgery stat starting today. He's been admitted to Tawakkal since last Sunday with unknown cause except for chest and back pain. He's a heavy smoker his whole life and just stopped smoking recently. It's just too late.

On another note, my dad dropped us with another 'big' news. He's married a second wife. It has been 4 years.

Like I said, I don't think it would be a good year for us. Hmm.


Sally said...

Be strong sis! ....

C-I-K-I-N-T-O said...

kuatkan semangat dan banyakkan berdoa.

iNsOmNiAc said...

if u ever need a downtime buddy, i'm here for u, babe...
take care & hang in there, k? *hugs*

dukunlintahplk said...

kesusahan/ musibah itu ujian.. kesenangan pun satu ujian.. bnyk2 bersabar n be strong..

haritz said...

kuatkan semangat dan kuatkan makan (",)

DrSam said...

I pray that Allah will give you all the strenght you need to face all His ujian dan cabaran.

Suka Bebel said...

there is always good things behind it, always look at the bright side ya. be strong n take care

CAHAYA said...

Thanks all for your pray and love. :)