I'm hysterical just thinking about this movie alone. And frustrated. It reminds me one lousy Hollywood movie (I'm so sorry, I forgot the title) where bunch of hot chicks have been stalked by a serial killer. Just in this movie, they've been haunted and killed by Jembalang.
In 'Histeria', as I've told you earlier, there were like 7 young babes to attract the audiences. To make a good or quality horror movie, you are not only need a scary looking ghost and also bunch of hot-dumb-bimbo-perasan-bagus chicks to sell it. You need a good plot and storyline too. The storyline was okay. But, some of the plots were not logically explain. And it leaves me with Why? What? How? while watching it.
Here what I think where the plots were not really logic in nature or not logically explain.
1) Every Malaysian-made horror movie, mesti ada tukang kebun saiko who in the end akan bantu selamatkan mereka² yang stupid dari hantu.
2) The bedsheets and susun atur bilik dorm lama. Looks very new and some people actually staying there. No sign of 'blok lama'.
3) Not much of light, even though in the middle of the day. Hello, lampu takde ke?
4) Jembalang ada serang manusia2 macam tu ke? Setahunya kalau Jembalang ni akan mengamuk dia akan gunakan cara lain utk menyerang mangsanya. Contoh, kalau nak bagi mati pun, tergelincir dengan sendiri dlm bilik air, walaupun tak licin. Or, kena hempap almari buku ke masa scene library tu. But, bukan bunuh lor. :(
5) Cikgu Disiplin yang sebok nak hukum pelajar tu mana? Kata soh serahkan pada dia? Pelik btol.
6) After almost-kissing-scene yang the 2-lesbo tu, apesal everything okay je between them? Like nothing happen pun.
7) What is the purpose of the 'Jembalang' to killed Murni's friends? Sebab dendam ke? Abis, Cikgu Helmi tu pun kena jugak. Encik Tukang Kebun saiko pun kena jugak.
8) Scha nampak matang dlm filem ni. Bila dia duduk dengan kanak2 tu, sangat beza. Macam kakak form 5 ngan adik form 3.
9) Budak2 ni tak takut siang or malam. Sangat berani tak kena tempat. Pastu lari ke hulu ke hilir tanpa arah tujuan.
10) Toilet kotor gila but the shower curtains sangat bersih berseri. And, waktu Marina pegi toilet, mesti toilet yang dekat dengan library. So, kenapa toilet dekat library ada shower curtains and shower cubicle? Bukan toilet asrama je ke ade? Lagi pelik.
But, all in all, this movie really attract the audiences by the juicy movie trailer, deliciously full blood poster which I believe conned me too. Way to go, at least we can see development in these two things. !st, it indicates that the film industry has improved in making exciting and alluring trailers to draw the audience to the cinema. 2nd, it might indicate that I'm expecting something more! A tricky one to elaborate but trailers are the way to go. Sangat2 tertarik dengan trailer sampai sanggup paksa my elder sister to watch horror movie (she hates horror movie, to have her watch horror scene at home was good enough) and she spent most of the time talking to us. She barely watch it. Haha.
I really expect something extraordinary than normal Malay horror-flick. The movie was so-so. The director did a good job for a very-good-looking-scary ghost and how it appeared. The 7 young babes - Liyana Jasmay, Scha and some others really did a good job as stupid-berlagak-berani chicks. Other cast - tukang kebun, Adlin, Vanidah, and Ady Putra doesn't leave much of an impact to the story.
If you're up for some gore and blood, this would still be 'a-must' viewing. If not, just forget about it. It's nothing like Jangan Pandang Belakang or Congkak or Anak yang buat kita kejap2 terkejut. This movie is like at another level/league to talk about it.
However, let's not get carried away. Please. There's nothing to be hysterical about, really. Nothing!
p/s: During my school day, if I'm not mistaken, while in Form1. There was a 'histeria' case in school and one-by-one my classmates screamming and showing their thumbs to us. They said something inside it. But, none of it like in this movie. Kat sekolah dulu, diorang kacau busut sebelah padang sekolah. Padan la muka, Stupid! But, to be very positive about it, the afternoon session been asked to go home. Yeay!
alah...akak cahaya ni marah2 plak.kan ke si murni tu yang panggil jembalang tu.dia seru dengan jampi tu nak jamu jembalang tu.itu pasal dia makan semua kawan kawan dia kecuali lah dia.itu yg aku paham lah dan ini lah citer antu yang aku puas ati tengok sebab tau sapa antunya.hehe...tapi storyline memang menarik la.huhu
yang detail detail macam gayung ngan mangkuk tandas tu aku malas nak teliti, kasik chance la sikit kan?hehee
jembalang tak makan orang lah! tak cukup tu research. apa yang histeria? baik tukar nama jadi jembalang je tajuk dia.
p/s: hantu tu mmg okay pun.
That is the reason why I don't really quite like Malaysian film/drama because it does not really like what I expect like those Indonesian film/drama or like those Japanese and Korean. Those English film/drama is of course the good ones though. I am not trying to stereotyping our local scenes but if you really look closely into most of the local scenes, you will find out the standard scenes, and one if it is when it's nite time, and indoor, and the casts are going to bed or when it's morning time and they woke up, and still indoor, you can find that they still use make-ups, with mascara eyeliner lipgloss whatsoever-lah...all still painted in their face so obvious. Ada logik ke? However, exception to the one showing Erra in Mertua Menantu on Astro, where the make-ups on her is not so obvious and really like as normal as you and me. I salute the Director of that drama coz he/she do have common sense in this.
Oh.. lagi satu..I am not aware of if there are people who wear big glasses with awkward outfit and look so like a clown..to class! Have you? But that is how these directors trying to fill our thoughts on the 'funny' thing about certain character, but don't you think that they are making themselves and the casts looks like stupid? Let alone the script. But, oh well, that is the local scenes.
gitewww erkkk.. salammms weekend akak cahaya itteww
that's the thing! some were not logic in mind and real world. we may encounter nerds/geeky student during our school time but not clowns. If they need to humor the scene, there's a lot they can do besides asking the casts to wear ridiculous outfit.
About the make-ups, I agreed! Some casts wore eyeliner to bed, gosh! and still maintain the look when they woke up. huhu. I don't know whether this kind of world exist. but not in my world.
Like SukaBebel said earlier, he doesn't care about little details in the scenes or plots. But I do care, because it will let the storyline smoother and LOGIC! Some people just too comfortable and just accept something as it is. But, I want more. Salah ke? I'm expecting more than that.
Or maybe my expectation to high?
salam weekend en_me!
kalau macam tu ... buang dari list. tak best ... tak mau tengok.
alahai kak izan, pi la tengok. Ni cuma pandangan Cahaya je. Mana tahu beza dari pandangan kak izan, kan?
Lain orang, lain citarasanya. :)
ramai juga yg ke pawagam menonton cerita ini...bagus gak..sokonglah filem tempatan kita...catz x pergi tgk bukan sebab tak sokong, tapi sebab aku penakut...so tak hengen nak menakutkan diri sendiri dgn melihatnya...ekekekke...
berckp pasal histeria...catz oso got experience masa duk asramaa sekolah menengah..hiks...bukan saya yg histeria, tetapi kawan2 sebilik dan kawan2 seasrama..
sgt havoc ketika itu..dgn cerita org minyaklah..dgn histeria2 bagai..and masih ingat aku duk pangku seorg roo mate yg kena histeria dan hampir diterajangnya..
wow...pengelaman itu sgt mahal ddan menakutkan oke..bermula dgn sorg pengsan..then terjerit2..diikuti oleh org2 lain pula..kami yg tak kena ni sgt kuat semnagt utk kawal keadaan sbb warden pun dah sgt peninggg.....
hemm....macam2 kan...
tapi teror u ye...boleh tgk cerita2 seram...hiks..
saya?..tidak...saya sgttt penakut!
aww. this is such a spoiler! but still, nak pegi tgk jugaaa. hehe. thanks for the reveiew babe!
Iklan mmg banyak pembohongan, trailer je cun cerita ntah ape2 ntah. Kalau iklan commercial kat tv penuh pembohongan.Contoh iklan syampo tu mat reggee tu pakai boleh lurus rambut. Tipu betul la..
me oso frustrated..plot lil bit messy..giv 2 star only
wahhh kaw kaw komen dia...hahahah..kalo melayan mmg best...kalo pikir logik mmg x logik..sbb tu maleh review panjang2 pasal Histeria..xleh lawan film indonesia, 40 Hari Bangkitnya Pocong...itu mmg kaw kaw punya hantu...seramm...i hate pocong. kawan bash, laki sampai terjerit seketika..
haha ramai yang komen best. nasib tak tertipu lagik. hampir gi jek. cuma takde kawan, so cancel the plan.
liyana jasmay is a good actress :P so i never doubt her talent huhu. if i watch this movie, its because i wanna watch her acting. but soon they will show in astro for sure! :) just need to wait.
Jalan² cari makan je kan? Mana la ada masa nak tgk wayang. Hehe. Cahaya layan betul makan² kat Singapore ari tu. Sampai x sempat nak makan Nasi Ayam Penyet. Frust. Takpe. Nanti pegi lagi kot.
Pasal filem ni, itulah dia. Xdelah histeria kecuali part menjerit² tu. Pasal jembalang tu, dah cerita lain la plak.
p/s: sama la pengalaman kite. Cahaya selalu jadi tukang pegang je. Huhu. Kuat semangat ke? Entahlah, tak gedik kot!
sowry rara. but, don't turn off by my messy review. I do think you'll enjoy it. Maybe not my cup of coffee. :)
iklan bohong eh? Mana haritz tahu iklan shampoo mat reggae tu tipu? Ni mesti dah try shampoo tu kan? Haha. :)
p/s: Cahaya salute iklan² yang berjaya influenced Cahaya ke panggung atau membeli belah (walaupun pada hakikatnya, Cahaya memang suka shopping pun!)
yep! messy. But better than other Malay horror flick available now. :) Ghost looks real. Huhu.
Ye ke? Macam takut je tgk review Bash ari tu. Cahaya tertipu okeh! Kawan Bash yang jerit ke? Or Bash? Takpe, your secret safe with me. :) Hehe.
Btol ke citer pocong tu takut? Rasanya citer indonesia yang takut kalau baru², Cahaya takut tgk Kuntilanak. Terbayang² je waktu malam. Huhu. (ni pun dah terbayang dah. Damn!)
How's Muar? Best tak makan²? Haa. Nasib baik takde kawan. Kalau tak, tertipu macam Cahaya. Hehe.
Liyana Jasmay memang okay berlakon. Dalam filem ni pun okay gak. Takde komen part dia. Maybe part cikgu² tu. Or part kawan² dia yang gelabah.
p/s: Sepi is on ASTRO right now.
histeria tu ada banyak benda yg boleh dipertikaikan kan cahaya.. contohnya time diorang nak carik handphone utk call for help. err.. bukan sebelum tu diorang pakai public phone ke? kenapa tak pakai public phone?? hahahaha.. musti director cakap tgh2 panik mana ingat nak pakai public phone.. iyolah tuu.. tipah tertipuu tauu.. menyampahhh..
setahu Cahaya la kan, telefon tu boleh guna sampai kul 9mlm je, kejadian tu lepas jam 9mlm la kot. Tak perasan la plak. Huhu. Elemen lawak time si Lentok tu betul²kan enjin, ada plak hati dia nak menakutkan si lesbo tu sedangkan sblm tu dah cakap yang kawan² diorang termasuk awek dia dah mati. Pelik!
wahhh. awak boleh jadi pengkritik ni. saya belum tgk lagi histeria. tunggu dvd jelah kot. tp itu pun pinjam dvd org. kalau ada :D
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