Do you believe in 'Jodoh'? Me? I kinda believe that all; 'Jodoh', 'Ajal' and 'Maut' are already been written in our 'book'. The 'book' that have our stories in it, all the ups and downs, all the episodes, all everything.
I want to believe that the one that I'm dating right now is my 'jodoh'. Is he? I don't know. Part of me says yes. And the other says otherwise. It's not that I don't have faith in him. I just don't have faith in me. I'm afraid after we move on to the next level, there's another different story has been written. I'm afraid that he's not the one. Or I make the wrong choice.
People around me said that there's no right and wrong answer about this. What I have to do is move on to the next level and see how is it goes. That's what I fear most. What if it turns bad? What if he don't love me anymore in the future? And the list of bad things goes on.
One thing I know for sure, all have been written in our 'book'. If he's meant for me, he will be mine. And if he's not, I hope I will find another. I pray to Allah it won't happen that way. I hope HE will guide me. I hope HE shows me the way.
Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah, dalam tidurmu
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu, yang mungkin bisa kau rindu
Karena, langkah merapuh, tanpa dirimu
Oh karena, hati telah letih
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu, yang selalu bisa kau sentuh
Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku, selalu memujamu
Tanpamu, sepinya waktu, merantai hati
Oh bayangmu, seakan-akan
Kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yang memanggil, rinduku, padamu
Seperti udara yang ku hela kau se-lalu ada
we never know the secret..pray hard and let HIM show you the way ok :)
happy monday :)
smoga itu adalah jodoh yang terbaik:)
Wah.. yr Fb status is "adicted to him".. Kewl. :)
As i said before, sometimes kita ditakdirkan bersamanya, tapi tidak semestinya dia adalah jodoh kita. Love Life is all about learning something for us to get a better one or to be better.. Pray to Allah S.W.T. He'll surely help us if we ask from Him. And I'll pray for myself as well. Thanks to my mom dat is always give me support from time to time. She always remind me this " Biar org buat pada kita, jgn kita buat juga pada org, sbb jika kita buat pada org juga, mungkin kita adalah lebih teruk dari itu"
Tcare aite.. :)
HE knows best for us...
Always pray to him... Believe with full of your heart, we only can find by ourself, but he set it for us...
bagi aku, jodoh..ajal dan rezeki tu sume usaha...takdir itu juge mungkin usaha..Mungkin Allah kata dh tertulis utk lihat mcm mana makhluk nya ni react???He is the Almighty..we never know what He has in his mind..=]
so, usaha saja lah...jgn harapkan buku itu cahaya..go!!!
kalau takut sampai bila?
kena mencuba le
kak cahaya..saya sangat paham situasi akak...believe me..hmmmm
Carpe diem - seize the moment, Cahaya...
Sometimes it's good to wonder abt the future but ppl say love will be less stressful if you live it by the moment.
But then again, thinking abt the 'what-if's & 'perhap's is what keeps love going, don't you think?
All the best to you :)
wait ya cahaya..
akan ada yang terbaik untuk mu..
salamm akak cahaya ittewww..
Yes. We will never know what's gonna happen in the future. I just hope for the best in everything.
Happy Monday dear!
InsyaALLAH. Doakan yer. :)
Status FB kewl? Haha. :) Being with him is more cooler you know. :) I just hope whatever decision I've about to make in the future is the best decision. I hope I won't hurt anyone in the way. :)
Whatever it is still back to the Almighty and hope HE shows us the way. :) InsyaALLAH.
Take care!
Thanks dear. Agreed! HE knows the very best for us. And if its not fall into our direction, insyaALLAH he'll guided us for better in the future. :)
HE sets everything. We make it work. We strive for it, pray, tawakal and redha. InsyaALLAH it will turn out good.
Ajal pun usaha? Tapi semuanya itu sudah termaktub dalam 'buku' kita. Usaha itu juga sudah tertulis. Life consist of 4 steps in everything. Sama juga kalau kita buat projek. Mesti ada 4 step. 1-Planning, 2-Organizing, 3-Implementing, 4-Results/Outcome. Same goes to, 1-Usaha, 2-Doa, 3-Tawakal, 4-Redha. InsyaALLAH DIA akan tunjukkan jalan.
Usaha tetap usaha. Tapi kan bagus kalau tahu soalan bocor. At least senang sikit kepala. Takyah susah2 fikir.
Error from previous comment: Life consist of 4 steps in everything.
Life decision-making consists of 4 steps in everything.
Takut la. Kalau mencuba tak jadi macam mana? Tak ke haru jadinya nanti. Huhu. Tak nak haru. Nak okay je. Boleh?
Pernah rasa yang sama? Macam mana nak buang rasa was-was ni? Rasa ni mengganggu la. Sampai nak buat kerja pun susah.
I'm the person who not really care what will happen next or what the outcome will be. I'm the person who live by the moment.It was before. Before all this.
When it comes to marriage, I can't help not to think 'what if' and 'what's next'. I want to know the outcome. I want to know what will happen next. Will he be by my side forever? Or will he leave me for another one day? I'm scared to know the outcome.
I'm dragging this for a quite some time. And I don't know whether he can wait any longer. If he leaves, is that mean he don't want to wait? He can't wait? Or is it he don't really want to be together forever at all?
But that are all my perceptions. And my perceptions are always get in a way. Yikes!
Wait for what? Don't really get you here. Clearly you don't read the post, don't you? Haha. It's okay. Thanks anyway.
Salam en_me!
satu hari nti jodoh tu akan sampai jugak.. percaya pada DIA.. =)
Ni lagi sorang. Jodoh mende yang sampai. Orang cerita pasal lain la. Haha. Funny!
yes thats the best my dear
ask Him.. :)
all the best
Thanks As. Whatever we do, always come back to HIM for the last steps. Pray for me. Thanks thanks.
Moga Cahaya mendapat JODOH yang baik.. Insyallah.. Selalulah berdoa dan solat hajat.. Insyallah..Allah will show u the way..
Moga Allah permudahkan semuanya..Percayalah bila kita yakin dengan rahmatNYA DIA akan beri lebih lagi..
InsyaALLAH, AMIN. :) Semoga dipermudahkan.
Jodoh...i believe Allah has plan for everyone
I only believe in "now" instead of put myself in stress and think of what my future is :)
So, enjoy the "now" ya.
alar lagu .... abe akak suka tul... hihi
cahaya.... jgn lepaskan peluang mana taukan.. memang ia.
skrg musim org mkn nasi minyak, jgn lupa layangkan kad tuk k zan bila jodoh dah pasti... :)
if you look, you'll see
if you search, you'll find
if you ask' you'll probably get
love yourself and others will love you.
somehow i like what dr Sam comment :)
i guess i have to start looking or i guess i have someone in mind :)
dear..marriage is not something small..its a really big decision and to decide whether he's the right one..it's hard..
istikharah and let HIM do the rest ;)
Enjoy every moment spend together...
Put the rest a side
cuz no one knows what's gonna happened next.
Kalau jadi, alhamdulillah.
kalau tak jadi, mesti ada rahmat di sebaliknya.
to me, i had enough. *raise white flag*
just want to stay away from 'relationship'
cuz i think, i never have luck in this department.
Too much work, too painful *sigh*
wish that he is ur 'jodoh'..
believe ur faith...
Yeah! I believe the same too. I will keep my faith going on. :) InsyaALLAH.
Brian Kinney,
'Now'. Yes. I live by the moment. I don't wanna be GOD to predict what my future is. But I will still strive for it. I won't go with the flow.
Kak Izan,
Cahaya suka juga lagu Dealova ni. Mendayu je hati kalau dengar.
It's not as simple as that Kak Izan. It's harder than it looks. Cahaya kalau ikut perasaan memang malas nak fikir. But, kena juga fikir sebab ini melibatkan masa depan.
Kalau ada Kad, insyaALLAH Cahaya pastikan akak dapat satu. :)
I've look, and I've seen it.
I've searched, and I've found it.
I've asked, but I don't get it.
Love is a mystery. The magic won't always works.
They say, 'Jodoh' takkan datang sendiri. Tapi kena cari. Betul ke? Wallahualam. Yang pasti, DIA takkan berlaku kejam. Manusia yang kejam. DIA tidak sama sekali.
Jika mencari, biarlah berpada. Jangan jadi macam Cahaya. Ukur baju pada badan orang lain. Macam mana nak muat. :) Pengajaran itu.
Just live by the moment. Cherish whatever you have right now. Be it single or not, enjoy it. That's what I'm gonna do. Enjoy my every bit of single life. Until the next love stop by.
Agreed with you. Too much work. Too painful. Too much of everything.
I gave up. Maybe he is my 'jodoh'. But the love just ship to different course now. And I'm not sure where it leads. One thing I know for sure. I'm moving on. Hopefully I won't stuck in between.
yeeha! welcome on board =)
Haha. Where the ship headed to?
yes sis :) semua sudah tertulis dengan siapa kita akan end up bersama. er mcm takut lak bila tulis gitu T___T
hope akak akan dpt lelaki yg baik utk dijadikan suami :)
Sudah tertulis. Dah terlafaz pun. InsyaALLAH semua akan okay. :)
Yeah! Hope so. Thanks yonna.
life is about taking risk, calculated risk.. but when it comes to 'soal hati'.. aduhhhhh susah nak cakap.
dukunlintah plk,
True enough what you've said. Life is about taking risk. And too bad this one is not worth it.
Soal hati susah dimengerti kata Erra Fazira. Kata orang lain, tak tahu la. :)
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