Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Place Where I Called Home.

Nothing much to blab. Just cleaning up my hard disk and found this at one of the folders. ;) Home is ; being able to dance around without pants on and be comfortable about it.


Faisal Admar said...

you house?

it looks comfortable.
is this the one you told me about?

the one got problem eh?

how i wish i got this cool house!

iNsOmNiAc said...

Nice crib, gurl!

suezen said...

argh...thats so nice lahhhh......

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

wow!!! so cozy and the color is radiating energy!!

i love a house where I can dance without pants on...or nothing at all too!!! hahaha.

love your new layout!!

MK said...

best nyer rumah u... heaven..

CAHAYA said...


Yep. This the first one. Few things has been change now. This was taken early this year.

And yessss, it's so comfortable!!!

CAHAYA said...


Thanks babe. ;)

CAHAYA said...


Thanks. Selamat berpuasa yer. ;)


Tun Mamat,

Kata orang, "Rumahku, Syurgaku." Betul la tu.

CAHAYA said...


Yeah!!! You feel me dear. ;) Dancing and singing like no one is watching and listening. Blissful!

The colors actually gave us a lot of hotness during noon. Feel like I'm in sauna room.

DrSam said...

I think if you invite us all to your warm and comfy house for a housewarming gathering, it will add more colors to your heavenly sanctuary.

CAHAYA said...


Housewarming? This is an old house. I thought housewarming only for the new one. Haha.

The new one still pending, lotsa things to be settled. The CF pendings and the developer asking money like nobody business. And to make it worst, I need to pay to two lawyers pulak. Hish!

I just hope the new one processes will over ASAP and enough will all the developer dramas. I'm kinda having a headache for that one.

And when everything is over, I'm sure will invite a lotsa people to add the colors to my haven. Just wait and pray for me for all to be over ASAP. ;)

Faisal Admar said...

how much it cost for the furniture and renovation?
i'm thinking of painting my room.
i want black and white but somehow friend said it will look ugly.
what do you think?

Anonymous said...

woww cantiknyerr.. kalo umah cam ni,hari2 duk umah pun takde hal la.. =)

CAHAYA said...


No renovation. Just a kitchen cabinet when I first started. And it took years to fill up the whole room, my dear.

Black n white? Cool. My bedroom theme is black n white. Will post pictures of my room later. For me, black n white represent simple look. And it goes with any other colors: red, pink, purple and even green. You'll sure love it. Just make sure you choose the right feature wall where you want to paint it black (or stripes).

CAHAYA said...


Thanks. Duduk rumah hari2? Isk. Biar betul. Tak best woo. Duduk hari2 kat sini rasa blur je, banyak sangat color. Hehe.

salamBEST said...

Wow! nice house.

CAHAYA said...


Thanks. ;) Selamat berpuasa Doc!

Jard The Great said...

peh!!! u got a knack in interior design.. hehehe.. ku kagum! ;p

Jard The Great said...

chantek la rumah ko.. hehehe..

Jard The Great said...

chantek la rumah ko.. hehehe..

Jard The Great said...

chantek la rumah ko.. hehehe..

CAHAYA said...


I wish I am one, Jard. But dulu masa nak amik course masa belajar, Ayah tak bagi. Dia kata kalau kerja tak ke mana. And mungkin end up tak bekerja. So, ikutkan je la Ayahanda untuk amik Engineering.

Biase je pun Jard. Sama je ngan rumah orang lain. Rumah sendiri mesti nak hias cantik2 punya. Betul tak? Rumah Mak aku tak leh usik Jard. Tu style orang 'lama'. Hehe. ;)

Faisal Admar said...

fast put your room picture.
hardly wait :P

let me know ya when you post it.

CAHAYA said...


Sure. My camera is MIA for 2 days. Suspected been kidnapped by my sister. I will post it later surely. Need to warn you, it's a gurl room. ;)

lavidalabelle said...

it looks comfy and nice.

selamat berpuasa cahaya :D

CAHAYA said...


Comfy = YES!
Nice = Thanks. ;)

Selamat berpuasa, Belle. Hope this year will be a better year for everyone. ;)

KiKiHanakO said...

wow.. kachakk.. mek shukaaa..

ada oren kaler gik.. =)

CAHAYA said...


Oren kaler meriah. Panas gak sikit time tghari. ;) Thanks.

Darin Azri said...

kachak eh.. seriously kachak.. mek suka gilak2.. hehehe

CAHAYA said...

Darin Azri,

Thanks. ;) Kachak eh? Nanti post gambar waktu malam pulak.