Old technology. Cassette tape, Vinyl records, even the humble gramophone. It all seems so silly to us now that our technologies have evolved. All we need to do is hit a button, shove some headphones in our ears and we have whatever we want. We don't even think about how easy it is.
Putting on a record, listening to the pops and crackles as the needles bounces over the grooves, putting a tape in a player and waiting for it to rewind. It's a lot more special don't you think?
I feel all that. Before and present. Blessed. Pity young ones. (Woa, I sound old. Gosh!)

some dusty collection from few years back
Is it feel great to hear vinyl records?
Never experienced it, pity me huh~
i wonder how to play the records. it does sounds co0l. like a dj at the club ^.^
Hmm...very the klasik one..hehe...
Tapi kdg2 yang klasik itu mempunyai nilai yang perlu dihargai...hmm
All I can say, it is different from the one we have today. Nothing quite like it. If you have time and be around PJ, you can stop by at Amcorp Mall's Flea Market on Sunday. They have something like this.
The sound quality might be a bit turn-off for some people, but I love it. ;)
Haha. I'm not sure how the DJs in the club done it. The way I listen to it is way way much different. No scretching sound whatsoever. But you may here crackles here and there.
Cool eyh? You should see it. Way way cooler.
Ad Rifza,
Memang klasik. I loike! Ada orang tak suka benda2 lama. Ye lah kan, dah ade MP3, CD, dan macam2 lagi audio berbentuk digital.
Ada nilai untuk yang pandai menilai. Yang tak tahu akan campak je kot. Kalau sape2 ade dan nak buang, bagi kat Cahaya yer. ;)
dah tua sudah kamoo.. ehehe.. sama la kita...
Huhu. Kejamnya kamu. Statement bikin nanges ni. Huhu. ;) Kamu tua? Mane de. Nampak cute je.
I have an old soul. But I'm young at heart. Winky. Heart. ;)
yeah.. special but hassle... neway, sometimes its good to bring back the old memories..
Hassle how? True enough that the new age technology speeds time and everything. But I enjoy the old more than the new. ;)
Yeah, Old memories and old stuffs. ;)
yeah..i saw these things in my office:)
Well done CAHAYA! In this digital era, not that many will opt to use that old technology anymore. Keep it and pass it down to the next generation. You have the taste and class too!
teringat walkman lama dulu kala.
gembira tak terkata bila ada benda alah tu.
asal pergi bandar, esti cari kedai kaset.
sekarang feeling tu dah tak ada.
nak lagu? download saje.
klasik dan tinggi nilai estetikanya..
aku hidup dalam perjalanan itu
kakak.nak alamat cepat :(
pergh..still ader lg pirirng hitam..dahsyat la..
Kat ofis? sape punya? kalau tak nak lagi, sedekah la kat Cahaya yer. ;)
Woa, thanks. I enjoyed both DrSam. The old one is not bad as people think. Surely will keep it for the rest of my life and make sure it won't just die.
Hehe. Sama lah. Cahaya pun mcm tu jugak. Lebih2 lagi bila time outing waktu duduk hostel dulu.
Cahaya pun dah tak bli dah kaset. Last sekali beli masa pegi Bandung 2 tahun lepas. Tu pun beli Peterpan dan Kerispatih. Masa time tu, Kerispatih belum glamor lagi.
Cahaya masih dgr koleksi yang lama2. Sangat classic woo. Lagi2 kaset ayah and pakcik2 yang lama2.
Sangat classic. Kalau boleh nak player yang zaman dulu tu. Gramophone. Ada kat kampung mak, tapi dah rosak. Huhu. Susah nak maintain barang2 lama cam tu. :(
Encik haritz ni dah tua la yek? Ada koleksi tak?
Ops! Adik, akak lupa la. Jap yer, akak hantar skang. ;) Namo sedih.
Ada. Sendiri beli takde la. Ni koleksi orang2 terdahulu. ;)
di rumah ku bnyk pirin hitam bonny m.. sik sangka bapak ku peminat bonny m.. hahahaha
dukunlintah plk,
Bonny m? Cool eyh! Boleh mek geng ngan bapak kitak kelak. ;)
OMG - and i thot i was d only one still listening to elvis on vinyl ;) i'm speechless really...
boleh la nanti kita tuka2/pinjam each other's collection... erm... do u have nina simone, darl?
i got engelbert, elvis, cliff richard, nat king cole... mostly male singer la :p hehehe...
tetiba plak rasa proud of ourselves :)
Woa, I found my vinyl-buddy. Yeay! ;) Winky. Heart.
Sure. Boleh je. So far. I haven't reach any Nina Simone yet. As for now, I have Beatles (almost all), lotsa David Bowie, Boney M, Barry White, Frankie Valli, Jackson 5, Carpenters, Four tops etc. Gosh! I can't stop listing.
You should be proud babe. We're the link to the future. Kesinambungan gitu. ;)
And I'm so in love with 'The Last Waltz' from Engelbert. ;)
bukan tua tapi lama ... hehehe...
tua pun tua lar .... ilmu banyak... yo ke idak??
Kak Izan,
Lama dah ke saya ni? Baru 28 kak. Belum lama sangat. ;) Wink.
Saya tak banyak ilmu Kak Izan. Saya budak baru belajar. Kalau salah, tolong tunjukkan.
i still remember the first cassette i bought was iklim and the hit song at that time was suci dalam debu. i was 7 at that time. kinda too early for a boy at my age :)
i was treated as eldest, and still the same until today.
cd makes life easier and i agree that cassette keeps my old sweet memories too. only certain people feel it.
sometimes it's good to be old. so that we have something to brag :)
Woa, Iklim? And at 7? You must be one of the earliest young Mat Jiwang around at that time.
You're eldest, dude. Not the oldest. ;)
Yeah! CDs easier. I did whine (while rewind and fast-forwarding) a lot when I can't find my favorite song in one particular cassette.
Do you got the chance to record your own voice on tape recorder? I had that chance. And I love it. I did record people voice around; my quarreling-neighbor and her husband, my dad lecture to us, my History's teacher (I hate History) and a lot more. But I can't recall where I placed it. Sometimes I overdubbed because I can't find any plain cassette at that moment.
I guess I'm too old. I brag too much.
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